Clouds, Communal.

Connections, Essential.

A cloud is made up of liquid droplets, crystals or other particles in the atmosphere. A cloud is not a cloud unless liquid droplets and particles come together. Humans, like liquid droplets, need connections to thrive. But we are slowly morphing away from our communities, and behaving like liquid droplets.

We need clouds as they protect us from the heat. They also absorb solar radiation. So, they might seem frivolous—they’re actually essential. Connections, like clouds, are just as essential.


If there is only one cloud, there is only sky

If there are 2 or more cloud particles, a bigger forms

If there are 6 or more cloud particles, then a bigger cloud forms and moves

If just the right amount of clouds, a skyscape forms.

An echo chamber is when beliefs and perspectives are enclosed, and therefore reinforced and repeated. This can be dangerous, especially when those beliefs and perspectives are biased. “Repeat a lie a thousand times, and it becomes the truth.” —Joseph Goebbels, German Nazi Politician.


If there are 2 or more people, a bigger group form

If there are 6 or more people, the groups forms and then die

If the group becomes too big, and groups die